Dark legion pc game
Dark legion pc game

dark legion pc game

Here's the phase in a nutshell: On your turn you will randomly pull an Order token and resolve a unit that matches that token, that is unless you decide to issue an order, which allows you to choose one or a few units to activate during your turn directly before you have to randomly draw. The issuing orders phase was actually the trickiest thing for us to get locked down, as it can be affected by the units you decide to give orders to as well. Once you get into actually playing the game, there is a bit of a learning curve, especially regarding giving orders and unit-to-unit combat. The same goes for terrain, which the game recommends using, but honestly not having any for the starter set didn't make us feel as if we were missing out.

dark legion pc game

Once you start bringing in tanks and other vehicles however that space gets eaten up quickly, and to get the most out of those units' range and movements you're going to want to have ample space to maneuver. The game recommends 3' x 3', and it means it, though for the core set that doesn't hurt you as much. We played a game at our office conference table, and that was still a bit cramped, and your ordinary dining room table will probably be as well.

dark legion pc game

The biggest thing is a simple one, but it matters, and that's space. First and foremost, there are a few things to keep in mind when deciding to jump into Legion.

Dark legion pc game